Ministries for Mankind

“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few:  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, That he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” 
Luke 10:2 (KJV)

Christian Education Ministry

To teach the Word of God in a clear, concise and concrete manner that all might gain the knowledge of the entire Bible.

Vacation Bible School

To affect the spiritual thinking of youth and adults by instilling the knowledge of God’s Word. Also, to encourage the spiritual growth of both El Bethel and the community at large.

Couples Ministry

To minister to our mates in accordance with God’s Word to ensure a wholesome spiritual relationship pleasing to God.

Culinary Arts Ministry

To provide meals on occasions when the church is charged with preparing and/or serving food.

Deacons Ministry

To serve the Pastor and the congregation as they minister to the sick, the elderly and the needy and to lift up the name of Jesus through worship, devotion, and praise.

Deaconess Ministry

To provide assistance to the Pastor and those responsible for carrying out the ordinances of the church, which are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Disciples In Development (D.I.D.)

To focus on the overall spiritual development of the whole child. To meet every child’s social, emotional and physical need with creative ways of “teaching” God’s Word. To use all of the child’s senses that include touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing.

Fish Keepers Ministry

To welcome new members into our church family and encourage all of our members to complete the New Members Class and get involved in ministry as God leads them.

Health Ministry

To be a vital force in providing education along with the delivery of health programs, resources and services to the church membership and surround community. To offer general advice on health issues and or concerns as well as provide information on how to maintain a healthy temple to be a better servant for God

Helping Hands Ministry

To minister to members during times of illness, bereavement or other times of distress.

Hospitality Ministry

To serve as premier host, welcoming one and all to our fellowship and making them feel as part of our family.

Men’s Ministry

To assist the men of El Bethel in bringing unity through total obedience to God; to accomplish His purpose as we live a life that is passionate about serving God and His people.

Mission Outreach Ministry

To develop a ministry that will spread the Good News of Christ’s blessings to those that are beyond the four walls of El Bethel and to look for opportunities to minister to those in need of spiritual blessings and knowledge that may not otherwise be afforded to them.

Mothers Ministry

To encourage women to be humble women of God worthy of respect, temperate and trustworthy in everything. To demonstrate the wisdom of a soldier who has been in this Christian race for many seasons.

Music Ministry

To minister the Word of God and represent the cause of Christ through our music in order to motivate the congregation to long for a closeness with God.

Nurses Ministry

To ensure that the Pastor and Associate Ministers are refreshed and revived and to attend to the needs of members of the congregation during emotional periods.

Pastoral Care Ministry

To support the people of God by responding in love to those who are experiencing life challenges; confined to home or nursing homes; facing terminal illness; going through the grief process and by visiting those in the hospital.

Prayer Partners Ministry

To keep a channel of information open with God regarding our Pastor, leaders and congregation. To maintain a border of prayer around our Pastor, leaders and congregation 365 days a year that we might hear from heaven and follow God’s direction.

Recovery Outreach Ministry

To assist in improving the quality of life for anyone who has or thinks they may have an addiction or addictive lifestyle addressing alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, or sex. To provide relief through a self-help Christian-based 12 step group and make information available for other related groups and treatment centers.

Seasoned Saints Ministry

To set an example for the younger generation inspiring them to follow in the footsteps of Christ.

Security Ministry

To endeavor to provide security for the congregation and their vehicles during the time of worship. To lift up the name of Jesus as we serve in love, faith, and unity.

Signing Ministry

To assist in spreading the Word and Ministry of God to members who are hearing impaired that they are blessed by the worship experience.

Special Events Ministry

To coordinate various fellowships and annual day activities of our church family and to ensure that these fellowships are carried out with a true Christian-like spirit decently and in order that all may feel welcome and involved.

Technology Ministry

To ensure that the spiritual essence of our worship service is captured via various forms of audio, video and computer technology in a quality manner.

Trustees Ministry

To be accountable to God and man for the legal business side of this ministry. To ensure that the church is in accordance with the laws of this land where they do not violate our beliefs of Scripture. To receive and oversee the counting of all church gifts (tithes & offerings) and to ensure that these gifts are deposited into the proper accounts in an expeditious manner.

Transportation Ministry

To ensure that members who utilize the Van will feel comfortable and safe when asking for transportation to and from church related functions.

Ushers Ministry

To provide warm, caring, and loving service to all members and visitors with a humble servant’s attitude by greeting warmly, meeting cordially, and treating lovingly.  

Wings Ministry

To assist women in bringing unity in the Spirit through total obedience to God. As we touch one another accomplishing His purpose for our lives and live a life that is passionate about serving God and His people.


Youth / Young Adult Ministry

To strive to live life on purpose. We will GET OTHERS to know Christ through Evangelism; We will GET FOCUSED on what makes God proud through Worship; We will GET TOGETHER with Christian friends through Fellowship; We will GET RIGHT by learning from God’s Word through Discipleship; and We will GET INVOLVED by using the gifts God has given us through Ministry”

Essence of Praise


Ministry in Motion


MIME Ministry